I am a massive fan of Linqpad, especially as a code scratch pad, but it is also very useful for performing queries against the Team Foundation Server SDK.

I regularly find myself wanting to get information out of our TFS Collection via the API, whether it be Build Information, Work Item Queries, Version Information, etc. Occasionally, I also need to update Build Definitions’ Process XML en-mass.

To make my life easier and to enable me to spin up these queries as quick as possible I came up with a “Template” Linqpad script that I can always use as a baseline.

The important code is as follows and the “linq” file has all the references and namespaces I could ever need:

const String CollectionAddress = "http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/MyCollection";
using (var tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(CollectionAddress)))
  var server = tfs.GetService<>();


I have this in “My Linqpad Queries” and open it via a right click and “Use as Template for New Query”, or sometimes, if I accidentally open the file I press Ctrl+Shift+C to clone it to a new query so I don’t save change to the “template”.

Once I have the cloned copy I insert the name of the service I plan to call into GetService<>, and then go to work. The API is quite easy to use, and the MSDN documentation is pretty comprehensive. The common services I use are:

  • IBuildServer for Builds
  • VersionControlServer for Source Control
  • WorkItemStore for Work Items

In the downloaded file there are also some XNamespace declarations at the top, which are used when I have to update IBuildDetail.BuildDefinition.ProcessParameters using Linq to Xml. These are the common three I found myself having to declare each time, so I just made them part of the template.


You can download the “linq” file for Linqpad from my OneDrive:

The latest version is based on the TFS Nuget Packages: Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.ExtendedClient (Version 14.83.2 at time of upload).

Older Versions